2018-2019 ATLANTIC ROW
3,000 miles across the
Atlantic Ocean. In a rowboat.
The Row4ALS team has the first person with ALS to row the Atlantic. The team completed the row in 51 days, 11 hours, 57 minutes from the Canary Islands to Antigua, 3,000 nautical miles of open ocean.
The World’s Toughest Row
The boats used in the race are approximately 8 meters in length and just under 2 meters in width. They feature a small cabin for protection against storms. However, no help or additional food or water is allowed once the crossing begins. The teams must endure the challenges of 40 feet waves, tropical storms, and sweltering heat throughout the grueling 3000 mile journey.
This journey tests the limits of human endurance. Ultimately, the teams achieve a life-changing accomplishment upon reaching the far shore.
After 52 Days at Sea…
What does the team look like after 51 days, 11 hours, 57 minutes out to sea? Check them out below. Can you believe that they are going again?

2023 Sponsors

3,000 Miles of Open Ocean
The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge course from the Canary Islands to Antigua is a grueling 3,000 mile open-ocean rowing race that crosses the Atlantic, testing the physical and mental limits of the participants.

29 days fastest crossing
55 days average crossing
120 days slowest crossing
52 days Row4ALS crossing
3 teams from the U.S.A. 🇺🇸
28 teams competed
28° N 17° W Start: La Gomera,
Canary Islands
14° N 62° W Finish: Antigua,
Each team will row in excess of 1.5 million oar strokes over a race.
Rowers will row for 2 hours, and sleep for 2 hours, constantly—24 hours a day.
More people have climbed Everest than rowed an ocean.
Row4ALS is the first team to cross the ocean with an ALS-diagnosed rower.
At it’s deepest, the Atlantic Ocean is 5.28 miles deep.
Each rower is expected to use 800 sheets of toilet paper during their crossing.
Each rower looses, on average, 25 pounds crossing the Atlantic.
Environmental Commitment
Pack it in, pack it out.
The Row4ALS team and the race organizer, Atlantic Campaigns, are committed to the environment and for care of the ocean. One example of this is the race rule regarding litter.
The race organizer knows how much food each team has taken on board and when they reach Antigua, the organization manually counts each rubbish bag. If they don’t return with all their garbage, they are disqualified.
The 2017/8 Team Antigua raised nearly $100,000 towards creating a marine conservation outside of the Nelson’s Dockyard, the landing spot in Antigua.

2023 Row4ALS Media Images